Phalaenopsis Orchid Care

The Phalaenopsis or "Moth orchid" are the most popular variety of orchids among the entusiasts all over world because of its ease of cultivation and low maintanance. Inorder to grow this fantastic flower in your home you need to understand the basic of phalaenopsis orchid care. A well grown phalaenosis orchid plant can flower often and some few are through out the year ,however the main seson is late winter to spring , and individual blooms can last as long as three months. Light, water, temperature plays the vital role for the growth of healthy phalenopsis orchid.
Bellow are some main elements that one needs to consider while growing an Orchid:
 Happy Phalaenopsis Orchid 
LIGHT is the first important factor to consider in Phalaenopsis Orchid Care.The Phalaenopsis orchid can flourish indoors under a very normal lighting conditions.Even it is great if gets the indirect sun light.This orchid will flourish best when placed near a southward facing window that has a screen or filter in place to reduce the harshness of the rays.
WATER is second important factor of Phalaenopsis Orchid Care.Be careful when you water  Phalaenopsis you must watch that they should never completely dry out because they do not have any water-storage organs other than their leaves. Phalaenopsis Orchid should be thoroughly watered and do not watered it again until they nearly dry. In the dry climate of summer, this may be every other day. To prevent rot you should water only in the morning hour, so that the leaves will take their own time to dry by the nightfall.
TEMPERATURES is the third important factor of Phalaenopsis Orchid Care.The ideal temperature for phalaenopsis should be above 60 F at night, and range between 75 and 85 F or more during the daytime. Though the higher temperatures helps faster vegetative growth for orchids, higher humidity and air movement must accompany higher temperatures, the recommended maximum being 90 to 95 F. Night temperatures to 55 F are desirable for several weeks in the autumn to initiate flower spikes. Fluctuating temperatures can cause bud drop on plants with buds ready to open.
HUMIDITY also plays a crucial role in phalaenopsis care.It is always recommended that the humidity for phalaenopsis orchids should be between 50 and 80 percent. In humid climates, as in greenhouses, it is imperative that the humid air is moving. Leaves should be dry as soon as possible, always by nightfall. In the home, set the plants on trays of gravel, partially filled with water, so that the pots never sit in water.
FERTILIZE your orchid on a regular basis, especially if the weather is warm and the plants are most often growing. Twice a month applications of high-nitrogen fertilizer (such as 30-10-10) are appropriate where bark-based media are used. Otherwise,a balanced fertilizer is best. When flowering is desired, a high-phosphorus fertilizer (such as 10-30-20) can be applied to promote blooming. Some growers apply fertilizer at one-quarter strength with every watering; this is best for warm, humid conditions. When cooler, or under overcast conditions, fertilizer should be applied twice per month at weak strength.
POTTING is best done in the spring,immediately after flowering. Phalaenopsis plants must be potted in a porous mix.Potting is usually done every one to three years. Mature plants can grow in the same container until the potting medium starts to decompose, usually in two years. Root rot occurs if plants are left in a soggy medium.Seedlings usually grow fast enough to need repotting yearly, and should be repotted in a fine-grade medium. Mature plants are potted in a medium-grade mix. To repot, remove all the old medium from the roots,trim soft, rotted roots, and spread the remaining roots over a handful of medium in the bottom of a new pot. Fill the rest of the pot with medium, working it among the roots, so that the junction of the roots and the stem is at the top of the medium.

By following these simple guidelines of Phalaenopsis Orchid Care, you will be providing the best possible environment for your orchids to grow and inreturn it will provide you the fantastic blossoms that you always desired.