Care Instructions for Phalaenopsis Orchids

The care instructions for phalaenopsis orchids are fairly simple, for they are considered one of the easiest orchids to grow and blooms quite readily in the home.Phalaenopsis can adjust themselves to the average home environment that we live in.Which is likely the reason for their popularity and are the ideal orchids for the novice grower.
 Phalaenopsis flowers offer both exotic form and superb longevity.The long lasting mass of flowers bloom in perfection up to three months.Colors range includes white, pinks, lavender and yellow in both solid colors and mixes of stripes and spots.So lets take a look at some basic Care instructions for phalaenopsis orchids:

Healthy Phalaenopsisi Orchid
Care Instructions for Phalaenopsis Orchids No-1 : LIGHT
Phalaenopsis or Moth orchids always enjoy a spot near or in a bright window(behind curtains or window blinds).Light is the key factor in growing healthy orchids therefore make sure not to  expose you orchids to the direct sunlight for it may cause your plants to burn and too little light will prevent the plants from flowering.The leaf colour of your plant works as an indicator of the amount of  light they are receiving.The healthy leaves should always have the bright green colour.If you find your phalaenopsis with dark green leaves,know that the plant is getting insufficient light and yellowish-green or red leaves indicate that the plant is getting too much light.

Care Instructions for Phalaenopsis Orchids No-2 : TEMPERATURE
To produce beautiful and long lasting blooms,orchid must produce energy in the form of carbohydrates during the day when the temperature is high,then store that energy at night when the temperature goes down.This temperature fluctuation is necessary for orchids to bloom.Occasional deviations are not that harmful,except when it is in bud.An ideal temperature for optimum growth of your orchids will be 60-62 degree fahrenheit in the night and daytime temperature should range between 70-80 degree fahrenheit.Temperature as high as 90-95 degree F for a short duration will cause no harm to your plants,as long as the proper humidity and air circulation are maintained.

Care Instructions for Phalaenopsis Orchids No-3 : WATERING
The proper frequency of watering is critical point in phalaenopsis care and also depends on the climatic conditions where you live.Generally it is suggested that you water it once a week during the winter and twice when it is warm and dry weather.Regardless of  climatic condition,the container size also helps to determine how often you need to water your orchid.Typically a 4 inch pot needs water in every 5- 6th day and 6 inch pot needs it in every 7th day.The potting medium that you are using also can effet your plant's water requirments.For example,the bark tends to dry out so faster than the sphagnum moss.So before watering your orchids remember to poke your finger or a wooden pencil an inch into the pot and if it feels/looks moist do not add water to it.your potting medium should always be damp,not soggy,neither should it be allowed to get extreme dry.Finally the quality of water,the best water for your phalaenopsis orchids is undoubtedly the rainwater.Rainwater,as it passes through the air, desolves and absorbs many substances such as dust,pollen and other organic matters.Therefore this enriched water contributes to the nourishment of the plant and helps your orchid grow healthy.

Care Instructions for Phalaenopsis Orchids No-4 : FERTILIZER and FEEDING
To help your phaaenopsis grow proper,faster and bloom sooner you need to feed it with the right fertilizer in a right manner.Find the products that contain potassium(K), notrogen(N), phosphorus(P), along with trace elements such as iron.Potassium(K) is basically responsible for the control of flower and fruit developement.Nitrogen(N) is needed for healthy vegetative growth and Phosphorous(P) for production of flowers.Investigations have shown that feeding should begin with more Nitrogen just when the new shoots are showing,and then more Phosphorous and Potassium being necessary towards the end of the season.
So these are the basic care instuctions for phalaenopsis orchids. If you consider all these instructions with care then it will certainly help your orchds to grow better, happy and healthy
day by day.